“Bulk solids” promote knowledge

8th VDI Specialist Conference “Conveying and storage of bulk solids”, Fulda/Germany (6 May 2010)

8th VDI Specialist Conference “Conveying and
storage of bulk solids”, Fulda/Germany (6 May 2010)

The VDI expert forum issues an invitation to the 8th specialist conference “Conveying and storage of bulk solids” scheduled to take place in Fulda on 6 May 2010. Themed “From practice for practice”, experts will discuss current developments and specific problems of bulk solids handling. In the first thematic block “Legal regulations” will deal with the safety of machines and the regulation on industrial safety. Further items on the agenda are “Advanced solutions in vertical and long-distance handling of bulk solids” and “Increase in the profitability of bulk solids handling due to the use of IT”. Methods of following the material flow in a quarry will be presented as well as the simulation of handling, mixing and storage processes of lignite at a storage yard. The conference will also include selected topics dealing with the present developments in the fields of “Belt cleaning” and “Configuration and operation of silos”. The focus will be on wear reduction and the optimization of boiler operation in coal-fired power plants.


VDI Wissensforum, Düsseldorf (D), Tel.: +49 211 6214-201, www.vdi.de/schuettgut2010



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