bC India – The new international trade fair

In spring 2009 the Messe München GmbH (MMG) and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) announced that they have entered into an agreement covering a closer cooperation for the organization of international fairs for construction machinery and equipment. The bC India is the first joint venture project. As the date of the first bC India – A BAUMA CONEXPO SHOW – International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery and Equipment, Building Materials Machinery, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles – the period from 8th to 11th February 2011 has been fixed. The venue is the Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai where an exhibition area of about 50 000   m² will be placed at the exhibitors’ disposal. Exhibitor registrations will be accepted from October 2009. The latest information regarding the fair will be published on the website at www.bCIndia.com. bC India will be organized by the joint venture bC Expo India Private Ltd.


MMI – Messe München International,

Tel.: +49 89-949-20246, www.messe-muenchen.de


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