Supply of Turn-Key Plants to Lithuania

In 2008 three companies from the region around Kaunas, Lithuania’s second largest city, each awarded Rohr Bagger GmbH a contract for the supply of one land-based bucket ladder dredger. Two of the plants were delivered directly after each other last summer, the third dredger is on the verge of completion.
The deposits of silica sand in the Baltic States have a very high content of fines. With a maximum deposit depth up to 12 m, this makes it an ideal area for using the land-based bucket ladder dredgers supplied by Rohr Bagger GmbH. The company supplies these dredgers in the sizes K 75 R, K 125 R...

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Floating bucket ladder dredge KS 175

Around 20 years ago the first bucket ladder dredges supplied by Rohr to the company Mitteldeutsche Baustoffe went into operation. On 24 October 2012 a new bucket ladder dredge was handed over to the...

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First floating grab dredger from ROHR Bagger in operation in the Russian Federation

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Dragline bucket replacement parts for cable dredgers

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